
It is possible to integrat bitmaps into objects. In GDL you can adress them in PICTURE or UI-commands by a numeric index instead of the filename. But how? There is no button or menu entry in ArchiCAD to do so.

Solution 1

The first way is to select some bitmaps in floor plan of a project and "save selection as" a new object. But in this way not all types of bitmaps can be integrated and you have to know all bitmaps at the beginning of your gdl project, because you can't redo this with your existing object.

Solution 2

You have to use the XML converter. If it is not part of your ArchiCAD installation (root dir of ArchiCAD) you have to download it from GS homepage.


Convert your object to XML and insert the following line into the XML-Code:


<GDLPict MIME="image/gif" path="Bitmaps/filename.gif" SubIdent="1" platform="Win" SectVersion="19" SectionFlags="0"></GDLPict>


Where you have to assign filetype, path und subident index. Add a line for each bitmap you want to integrate.


At least you have to retranslate from XML to GSM by the converter.


Jochen Sühlo has written a smart XML_generator_object, which generates the line(s) above automatically.

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