EN DatumPlausibilityCheck.GSM



Actual version:


Target group:



GDL Developer Library, Developer-license


ArchiCAD 15 (older versions on demand)


Frank Beister


Macro, that checks a given date, e.g. by a user input, and checks for correct format and correct date. If the date does not exist, it corrects to the next allowed datum.

Macro, not placeable object. For usage with other objects only.

News + History

First macro version (0.5)

Moved to macro version. Added error result and second time format. 

First solution

Quick and dirty, but functional and compact. 

To do + wishlist


  • Subtitution von Text-Monaten
  • Suchen des Datums im String (Nicht-Ziffern eliminieren)

Wünsche / Wishes:

  • Verschiedene Datumsformate für die Ausgabe.
  • Erweiterung auf Zeit
  • Automatische Analyse welches Format es ist
  • Zeitcode wie z.B. in Excel umrechnen

Known Bugs:

  • none left to fix.
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